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 Released April 12, 1998 at Mekka + Symposium '98 ranked #2 in the Demo-Competition
2448 kb 
Captain Future - Startrail to Glory was released at Mekka&Symposium 1998 held in Fallingbostel, Germany. It was placed rank 2 at the PC-demo competition.
Note: This is only a 50%-finished preview release. We coded, modelled and textured as hard as we could, but we didn't make it to the deadline. Watch out for the final version arriving at our homepage; we'll put it online as soon as we finished it, but this could
still take some time... 

[1] - Intro
[2] - Intro
[3] - Intro
[4] - Intro
[5] - An air view of the Space Police Headquarters in Neo New York, Earth
[6] - Ezra Gurney has called Captain Future...
[7] - ...and tells him that the President has been captured by Wrecko...
[8] - ...Captain Future dares the challenge...
[9] - ...and starts to search for the missing president with his spaceship Comet.
[10] - He arrives at some suspicious-looking red moon...
[11] - ...where he finds the broken spaceship of the president!

Production History/Notes:
After Symposium 1997 we had the idea of making a Captain Future demo that doesn't comply to usual demo styles, that just bring you effects or meaningless 3d scenes, but a real story, and dialogues etc... Unfortunately we had to recognize that we couldn't achieve decent english-speaking dialogues, so we dropped that idea. However, we absolutely wanted to have original Captain Future music in the demo (The german original music was made by Christian Bruhn) as it's absolutely incredibly coool! If you are one of the few persons that doesn't have the soundtrack on CD or MP3 yet, go to your next music store and get it! Okay, actually
we wanted to get the demo finished to TP7, but as no one of us really had time for the project and we thought a german audience would appreciate the demo more than a danish one (because they have another music), we decided us for MS98 as release-party... The actual conception and work of the demo began as soon as of Ma rch 1998, although I (Bartman) started coding the demo-system and 3d-engine some months earlier. Then we developed a story and Wintermute began collecting blueprints of the Comet, the Cosmoliner and much more; then he started modelling. We soon knew we would have big problems getting the whole thing finished to MS, but we worked like crazy to get on... The music was composed three 3 days prior to MS98 by Pink.
Texturing was even started at the party. Here's what's missing in the current MS98-release: about 5 scenes, textures in some scenes (you probably saw that 8-), Captain Future "Walking" and some details in the intro-part (particles missing). The music is
Documentation for the release version:
First try to run ABYSS-HI.EXE, that's the version that pumps the demo-task to Realtime-priority, and if you recognize that the demo hangs during loading or you can't quit from the demo with ESC or ALT+F4, try to run ABYSS-LO.EXE, this version only gets itself hig h priority. Close all other programs before running the demo to have as much free memory as possible! Otherwise you may encounter some hangs during the demo that may really annoy you... Windows is quite shitty with that stuff...
Windows NT Note: Although the demo seems to run fine in Windows NT, it seems to drop back to Windows sometimes when the next part is loading... As I do not have WinNT installed, I can't fix that bug.. But goddamn, you probably have Win95 installed, too (at least for gaming)
By the way, you can take TGA-snapshots during the demo by pressing the "s"-key (make sure you run the demo from HD and have enough free space for the screenshots; approx. 150kb each), you can toggle FPS (frames-per-second) display with "TAB"-key
Contact me (Bartman, barto@gmx.net) for any technical questions. 
| Required | Recommended | OS | Win95/NT, DirectX3 | Win95, DirectX5 | CPU | P5-class | Intel Pentium (133+ MHz) | Memory | ??? | 32+MB | Soundcard | -- | Win-compatible | HD | 3.5MB | -- |  12 entries
"asd", asd, ad, 2004-08-07 23:01:47 "To download, please go to the start page and click on "Download Section" at the bottom.", Bartman/Abyss, <no email>, 2004-04-05 00:39:14"Das Teil würde ich auch gerne mal sehen :)", diandra, diandra@irrgarten.de, 2004-03-23 12:28:30"würde mir gern mal die demo von captain future in 3d ansehen fixt mal den download plz
greetz morpheus", morpheus, morpheus@matrix-cs.de, 2003-08-21 03:59:53"plz no demos 4 Windows!
only AMIGA makes it possible!
Win OS is not 4 DEMO-Coder because
there is no style!", Mongo, Mongo@Coldfire.com, 2003-05-20 13:39:58"Da!!!!!!!!", aWaKeN, hubertjeziorski@wp.pl, 2001-06-08 08:58:53"I\'m sorry, we should have told you this long ago. We are unable to complete this demo. We are now all involved in commercial projects and don\'t have any time for demo-making. Thanks to all for your continued support", Bartman/Abyss, <no email>, 2001-01-23 23:54:28"Hat jemand Lust das ganze auf einer erweiterten Quake3 Engine umzusetzten - als eigenes level, mit Cutscenes , ... ?
", Friedemann Wolpert, apslive@gmx.net, 2001-01-05 00:59:29"YoYoYo otto sagt:macht die Demo bitte endlich fertich.I long for Capt.Future his crew and new adventures.SAYONARA
", briareios, schizophren@ziplip.com, 2000-11-21 22:42:21"Jaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh, wann kommts denn endlich, lechz. Die finale Version...", Mik, sag.ich@net, 2000-10-28 23:15:38"Genau!! Bitte bringt die Finale Version raus!!! Bitte!! ;-) ernsthaft", maxim, m.szenessy@vislogic.de, 2000-10-05 00:57:12"Bitte, bitte, bitte bringt endlich die Finale Version raus! Wär schade drum, wenn dieses geile Demo auf immer und ewig halb fertig bleiben würde...", Stefan, s.boldt@hms69.de, 2000-09-25 17:07:48