The Party VII

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This is the beginning of the annual Coca Cola Crashing, where 5 contenders have to drink a whole 1.5liter bottle of Coca Cola as fast as possible... This time the organizers were smart and one organizer for each contestant held a plastic bag before them in case they would vomit on the floor 8-))
On this photo is Crow/Interactive, who will code a 40k-Intro for Symposium 98 together with Pink. He will join forces with Abyss for this intro and change to our group, so exspect some cool stuff from him...
Aha! Pink took a snapshot of some lame lines of code from Abyss' #2 40k-intro "Cruisin'"... please no comment to this code, as it's taken from some preliminary stage of the code; Dexter told me he later changed this lame code... but anyway, there's no cool code in the intro 8-)))
This is Decca... I don't know anything more to tell ya...
Yops! These purple hairs belong to Nemesis1, you know, the creator of the NemeSIDs PlaySID-tunes series... He came all the way from Iceland to Denmark...
Abyss hardcore party posse - well, at least Poet/Abyss - in the McDonald's in Hamburg, Germany as we returned home from TP7...
Allegedly this is a picture of The Rave at TP7... Ask Poet if you want further informations... seems he liked it very much after all!
Bye? Well, this is Rawstyle/Lego, coder of the MS98 40k-intro invitation, AGAiff and main organizer of Mekka & Symposium 1998... Be there! We will be there! It's gonna rule!

Accept Party Posse and Birdhouse Projects - Bruchwurst!
Sunny writing an email at the Abyss-/Interactive-PC...

This is again the Abyss table. The guy at the left with the black shirt is Miroslaff, the one with the purple shirt is Bartman and below him you can see Zeg and at the rightmost corner is Wintermute...
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